Monday, November 26, 2012


The first day was uneventful, despite the insomnia it caused the night before.
I thought that the end of medical school meant the end of hour long lectures. I thought wrong.

It seemed that every speaker had made it their duty to warn of the impending doom ahead of us.

Stories of houseman needing psychiatiric consults due to depression continue to be the hot topic amongst the so-called motivational speakers.

The highlight of the day was getting our name tags. Despite exuding an aura of extreme cheapness (budget cuts I suppose), the initials "Dr." at the beginning of my name is somewhat satisfying.

I begin a series of six rotations, starting with paediatrics.

Bring it on.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Welcome welcome.


Two and a half years ago I started writing about my (mis) adventures through medical school. I was surprisingly consistent.  

Today this blog goes semi public. If you are reading this for the first time, I welcome you.  

Tomorrow I begin serving as a houseman in Hospital Kuala Lumpur, hopefully for the next two years. 
Do not expect to learn anything from reading my posts. I often toe the line between fact and fiction

I write things as I see with a hint of exaggeration. Do not believe every word.

I try my utmost best to preserve patient and colleague confidentiality. Thus, most names are made up.

My preparation for the big day

I tend to lose pens. So I bought twelve. One for each month.

I also bought a book called Sarawak Medical Emergencies. Why? Because so did everyone else.

Buying books calm me down. I like the security of having a book, regardless whether I read it or not.

My main worry about starting the housemanship programme is the fact that my brain has been idle for almost half a year. I have probably forgotten most if not all I have learnt in college. 

I am praying that there are people worse off than me to take the limelight away.
